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Friday’s Vintage Find:: The Easter Egg Artists by Adrienne Adams

I’m not sure how old a book really needs to be to qualify as a vintage find, but since I can barely remember reading this one as a child and most days I feel pretty old, I think this one must qualify.  I happened upon the Easter display at the library yesterday, and to be honest, I was not expecting to find much.  However, when I saw this book, that happy feeling of fond remembrance of a well-loved book washed over me, and I knew I wanted to take it home to read to my girls.

I really should say that this post might be considered an addendum to yesterday’s Read Aloud Thursday post.  However, yesterday my post was all about books that portray the real Easter story, and I really prefer to keep the real meaning of the holiday (any holiday, for that matter) separate from the fluff that surrounds them.  Do I tell my children about the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, etc.?  Yes, but in a very low-key way, the same way that I tell or read any imaginative story–not as truth, but as a story to be enjoyed.  I know that this is a controversial and sometimes sensitive topic, but this is how we handle things at the House of Hope.

Adrienne Adams’ The Easter Egg Artists is pure fun.  It is the story of  Orson Abbott and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, who are rabbits.  (Don’t you love Adams’ choice of names here?)  Mr. and Mrs. Abbott make the designs on Easter eggs, and they have decided that it’s time for their son to join the family business.  Is Orson responsible enough to see the job through?  The Abbotts go on an extended vacation before egg-painting season begins, and while on vacation, they learn that Orson is indeed up to the job.

Really, more than the story, it is Adrienne Adams’ lovely illustrations that make this book so special.  The anthropomorphized rabbits are very life-like and the Easter egg art (and every other kind of art–the book is full of it!) is beautiful.  This book is a real visual delight!

If you’re looking for a fun spring time read, this is it!

4 Responses

  1. Hey, I’m with you on the way you approach the “fluff.” Exactly!

    This looks like a really fun book though and thanks for talking about it!

  2. P.S. In case I don’t get another chance to say it:

    HAPPY EASTER! Christ is Risen!

  3. We checked this out of the library, and my daughter read it, but alas, I did not. Now I wish I had. :-/

  4. […] Vintage Find post, but I’m consolidating posts.  So many books, so little time!  Like The Easter Egg Artists, this is a story I remember from my own childhood.  The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes is […]

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