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Children’s Classics Mystery Challenge

I don’t know what it is, but I just cannot get the new 5 Minutes for Books schedule to sink into my brain.  Granted, I should’ve known the second Tuesday of the month has always been the Children’s Classics challenge, and with the new year we just have a new genre stipulation added to the old challenge (for six months, anyway), but this one slipped by me.  Next month, Lord willing, I will be prepared!

Instead this month I’m going to make some plans.  I loved mysteries as a young teenager and beyond, and I’ve sort of fallen out of the habit of reading them.  I think part of the problem is that now that I’m an adult, I don’t want to read anything that might even have the remote potential to give me a nightmare or make me stay awake thinking, so I generally avoid them.  (That’s not to say I never read them; I just try to be very choosy.)  However, there are several authors from my youth that I’d like to revisit, and this challenge provides the perfect chance!

While other pre-teen girls were devouring Nancy Drew, I was devouring Trixie Belden.  That’s not to say I didn’t read Nancy; I did.  I just felt more kinship with Trixie, I think, because she didn’t seem nearly as perfect and put-together.  I also liked the gaggle of kids she was always with.  Their adventures in upstate New York always sounded like so much fun to me. I led a fairly boy-less existence until I was in college (and then, really, until I met my true love, Steady Eddie!), so the fact that Trixie and Honey were great chums with a bunch of boys was intriguing to me.  I have several Trixie Belden titles on my shelf, so I’m sure I’ll pull one of those and re-read it for old time’s sake.

Another series I hope to delve into through this challenge is The Boxcar Children mysteries by Gertrude Chandler Warner. Somehow I missed these books all together, although I do have a distinct memory of having a fifth grade teacher for the half of a year I was at one particular school who loved these books.  I’m curious about them, so I hope to satisfy that curiosity in the next few months.

The author I’m most excited about re-reading, though, is Phyllis A. Whitney.  With seventy-six books to her credit, Whitney is no stranger to most avid readers of suspense novels.  However, it might come as a surprise that she wrote some twenty juvenile mysteries.  If my memory serves me correctly, I don’t think I discovered her until I was out of high school and working as a public library aide, and while I definitely consider myself a late bloomer, these books didn’t seem too juvenile to me at the time.  I’m not even sure if any of these books are available at my local libraries, so I might have to do a little ILL-sleuthing myself (or PaperbackSwapping!) to find them.  I’m looking forward to it!

Next month, I plan to be prepared!  To read other, more prepared bloggers’ reviews, though, click over to the Children’s Classics Mystery Challenge at 5 Minutes for Books!

8 Responses

  1. I know it. I have to revisit the site to remind MYSELF what the new schedule is! =D (Sorry to have been so confusing.) I’m workin’ double time to stay on top of it!

    At any rate, I’m glad you are in and having never heard of Phyllis Whitney, I’m super interested to hear about her through you!

    You missed the Boxcar Children growing up? OH! Read Aloud Thursdays here you’ve GOT to come! Your girls will LOVE them! They are at a perfect age and they really are clean, clean, clean and extremely imaginative!

    Fun stuff!

  2. Nope. Not a bit of it.

  3. Looks like a good plan!

    I, too, missed the Boxcar Children books. Never heard of them until my oldest son was starting to read longer books… Still haven’t read any.

  4. I’m a Trixie girl, too. I read nancy Drew and enjoyed them, but as you say I always felt Trixie was more down to earth. She was poor like me, only able to go on such wonderful adventures because she had rich friends.

  5. I was a big Trixie Belden fan too, and I also have a number of her books on my shelf.

  6. […] on the Mystery Challenge sign up): Les Blatt) #30 (#3 on the Mystery Challenge sign up): Amy at Hope is in the Word #1 Niurka #9 Snowflake 07 (Audra) #4 […]

  7. […] I mentioned in my introductory Children’s Classics Mystery Challenge post, although I read Nancy Drew, I always liked Trixie better.  This referesher course in all things […]

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