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Book Review–The White Darkness by Geraldine McCaughrean

The White Darkness








Title:  The White Darkness

Author:  Geraldine McCaughrean

Publisher:  Harper Collins

Pages:  373

ISBN:  0060890355

Synopsis:  Symone Wates (Sym for short) is a fourteen year old English school girl whose life takes a turn for the decidedly more adventurous when her uncle (who’s actually not her uncle, just a former business associate of her deceased father) kidnaps her (‘though she doesn’t realize at the time that she is being kidnapped; it’s just Uncle Victor, for goodness’ sake!) and takes her on an expedition to Antarctica.  To say that Uncle Victor is eccentric is a definite understatement. He is a self-proclaimed genius who has trained Sym, unbeknownst to her, for this very point in her life.  Uncle Victor believes that he can find Symmes’ Hole, a theoretical hole in the earth’s crust which would lead to worlds-within-our-world, creatures never seen before by human eyes, and who knows what else.  Sym is herself quite the expert on Antarctica, and she has Titus Oates, famed explorer of the 1910 Scott expedition to the South Pole, as her own imaginary friend as a result of this obsession.  What follows the kidnapping is one scene outlandish scene following another and then another.  Murder, mayhem, and lots of near-misses ensue, but in the end, Sym finds out a few things about her father, Titus Oates, and most importantly, herself. 

My Thoughts:  This book might rightly be titled “A Series of Unfortunate Events” (oops, that one’s already taken) or “Fire and Ice” as a nod to the Robert Frost poem, but “The White Darkness” is almost as good a title because this book is all about darkness.  I did not pick this book up by chance; I read it as a part of Semicolon‘s Biblically Literate Book Club.  I guess that Semicolon picked it because it is the 2008 Printz Award winner.  Although I haven’t to my knowledge read any of the other contenders, I can say that this book is worthy of the prize.  Although it does have the obligatory references to s*x and some bad language, the story itself is shocking enough to meet the standard of an award-winnning YA book.  Sym Wates is a very unassuming and unlikely heroine; she of her shy manners, hearing aides, and absolute certainty that her father hated her until his dying day.  McCaughrean deftly paints word pictures throughout this story; one of my favorites happens early on, when Sym is attempting to convince Uncle Victor that taking a detour off of their planned vacation route isn’t such a good idea:

“Whereabouts, Uncle?  What about school?  We don’t have the right clothes for the sun.  There wouldn’t be swimming, would there?  I’ve got homework.  I’ll have to ask Mum.  Mum wouldn’t like. . . ”  My objections and misgivings soon lay piled on every flat surface in my tiny room.

But Victor just smiled and packed them nearly away again.  “Only real school is the School of Life, lass.  Think on.”  Hands on his thighs, knees tucked tightly together, bouncing slightly with excitement, he sat ont he broken bedroom stool, grinning at me in the dressing-table mirror.  “What say we don’t tell Lillian, eh?  Let’s keep it our little secret.” 

My initial unease about Uncle Victor’s intentions for Sym were a little off, but not by much.  As it turns out, Uncle Victor has this trip south planned down to the very last detail.  This story is fantastic in the truest sense of the word.  The fact that Sym has an inner dialogue with Titus Oates going on at almost all times makes the story even more compelling; Sym finds refuge in Titus during the hard times, and from this refuge comes the needed strength to survive against all odds.  This is truly one of those books that I find hard to review, but let me say that it is so suspenseful that I read it in only a few days, and in this SAHM’s life, that is almost unheard of.

3 Responses

  1. […] Shackleton and his crew and their amazing experience; in fact, I thought about it often when I read this book last year.  I think Worsley’s book would be fascinating and exciting.  I am definitely […]

  2. […] on the shelf at the library during one of our weekly library runs, I snatched it right up.  I read McCaughrean’s The White Darkness last year and loved it, so I knew that a book by McCaughrean would likely not disappoint.  I have to say […]

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