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Friday Felicities


Things that are making me happy this week:

  • a great first week of school
  • a wonderful book (so far!)
  • a (very) part-time job that is shaping up to be just enough
  • a five year old who tickles me by saying things like this:  “These notes really bless me!”  (This said while practicing the piano, at the conclusion of a song with a particularly satisfying ending)
  • a three year old who is obsessed with, of all things, standing up:  “Did you stand up the whole time?” she asks at random times about random activities. 
  • lunch out-of-doors every day this week
  • a dad who has lived another year of life and is very healthy; today is his 62nd birthday!
  • a God who loves me just as I am but won’t leave me this way 🙂
light through trees

Sunlight through the maple tree in our backyard at lunchtime on Wednesday


Do you want to read more Friday Felicities?  Head over to Joyful Mother!

One Response

  1. LOL on “standing up the whole time”! That’s hilarious.

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